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Effective:  April 23, 1999

Revised:  June 2, 2012

(A Chapter of the California Association for Bilingual Education) -CABE, a nonprofit charitable organization.


The name of this chapter shall be SAN DIEGO SOUTH COUNTY CABE CHAPTER,  


1. To recognize, promote, and publicize educational excellence in the development of literacy in English and other languages; resulting in multi-literacy;

2. To promote efforts that assure the provision of equal educational opportunity for all;

3. To promote the provision of services to children, youth, and adults at all levels in both the community and educational institutions by promoting

multilingual/bicultural education as an integral part of the school curricula;

4. To work toward the recognition and understanding of linguistic and cultural assets of all students by legislative bodies and school districts;

5. To support the development of professional competence and professional standards in multilingual education through the organization of workshops and conferences;

6.  To encourage the excellence of multi-literacy by promoting research and related activities in order to prepare students for the 21st Century.



Membership shall be open to all individuals and organizations interested or involved in multilingual education.


A. The officers of this Chapter shall be the Co-President(s) for Secondary, Co-President for Elementary(s), Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Fundraising Chairs(s), Scholarship Chairs (2) Elementary and secondary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Parent/ Community Liaison and Para-educator Liaison.  These officers will constitute the Chapter’s Board and will be elected by the membership at Large.

B. The term for all officers shall be a two-year term on a staggered basis starting on June 1 of the year through May 31.

C.  There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of Co-Presidents and recording secretary.


Co-Presidents: Co-Presidents shall: serve as Chairman of the Board and provide the leadership and direction of this Chapter; set the agendas for all executive board meetings, set the agendas for the general membership meetings, be the liaison with the superintendents, spokesperson for the organization, the liaison for state CABE, network with other districts in the south county, work with all chairs of all sub-committees, oversee all ad-hoc committees, approve selection of guest speakers, provide communication, and all other duties as assigned.

Recording Secretary:  The recording secretary shall take and maintain accurate minutes of the Board meetings and distribute them within a week after the meeting; Assist correspondence secretary; provide the minutes of all general membership meetings, and executive board meetings, report at all general membership meetings, maintain ongoing records, report on motions passed and all other duties as assigned.

Correspondence Secretary:  The correspondence secretary shall: provide assistance to board officers in the completion of Chapter projects and activities including but not limited to making program for seminars and conferences; creating duplicating and distributing flyers and other informational documents, upkeep of a newsletter; attend to correspondence of the organization, write letters to the editor as assigned, serve as the liaison with other state advocacy committees (Joint Delegates Assembly), network with other organizations in the south county for political offices and PACs, and all other duties as assigned .

Fundraising Chair: The fundraising chair shall chair the Annual Chapter 65 CABE Conference, works with other organizations to bring in funds, provide ideas for fundraising events, contact locations, speakers, invited guests for all events, organizes all fundraising events, set fundraising goals, and all other duties as assigned.

Elementary and Secondary Scholarship Chairs: The scholarship chairs shall: compose and distribute applications for scholarships, work with treasurer regarding budgets, distribute scholarship applications, screen all applications, select recipients of scholarships, and all other duties as assigned.

Treasurer: The treasurer shall: maintain ongoing records of finance, balance the checkbook in collaboration with designated Co-President, write all checks, provide monthly reports to the Board, prepare annual financial statement report and submit to state CABE by July 31st, collect donations at functions, write receipts and other duties as assigned.

Membership Chair:  The membership chair shall: maintain a current list of members, and recruit new members and reviews state CABE Chapter membership records for accuracy.  The membership chair assists with collection of dues and forwards them to state CABE, gives monthly status of membership to the Executive Board.

Para-educator Liaison:  The para-educator liaison shall: maintain ongoing communication with all para-educators and all other duties as assigned.

Community/ Parent Liaison:  The office of the community/ parent liaison shall maintain ongoing communication with parents that represent the South Bay community and all other duties as assigned.


A. Elections shall be held annually, the election ballet will reflect the staggered terms of officers.

B. Election procedures shall be as follows:

1. The active membership will be invited to nominate candidates by mail or at chapter meetings beginning with the annual membership meeting/ awards in February, followed by the second notification of nomination/ self-nomination at the annual superintendents forum, and then six weeks later the nominations from the field will serve to guide the Board of Directors in establishing a balanced ballot.

2.  The Executive Board will be in charge of accepting nominations and will establish a ballot with at least two candidates per office.  The nomination/ self-nomination form will be distributed to all members by using various modes of communication.  The Executive Board will create the final slate of officers to be mailed after the deadline of April 30th.  The installation Ceremony will be held on or before June 2nd when the terms of office shall begin.

C. Any member of the Chapter in good standing for a period of one year may be nominated to any office of the Chapter.

D. Terms of office shall begin June 2nd after the Installation Ceremony.

E. Resignation from office shall be in writing.

F.  Removal of officers shall be based on failure to fulfill roles and responsibilities of office and/or not following the mission and vision of CABE.



Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be made by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors and/or be submitted in a petition to the Board of Directors, signed by one-tenth of the members in good standing.  To become effective, any such composed amendment must be ratified by a simple majority of the members present, providing that notification be duly given at least thirty (30) days before the amendment(s) are brought to vote.  Notification of any amendments passed shall be given to CABE’s Headquarters.


The property of this Chapter is irrevocably dedicated to educational purposes, and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever benefit any director, officer, or member thereof, nor to the benefit of any private individual.  Should this chapter dissolve, its assets shall be assigned to CABE headquarters.

This Chapter shall not participate nor intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office, or for or against any cause or measure being submitted to the people for a vote.

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